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Cody Manufacturing & Process Solutions
When Cost-Reduction is Paramount!

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Cody Manufacturing & Process Solutions
When Cost-Reduction is Paramount!

image/svg+xml BusinessTransformationLean / DigitalSecureGrantFundingEngineering&QualityWe Design Cost Improvement ProgramsThat Guarantee Cost ReductionOur world class solutions provide significant return on investment

Lean Consulting and Business transformation Services

At CMP Solutions we work with businesses across many sectors such as manufacturing, food processing, healthcare, cosmetics, distribution & logistics, pharma and fuels industries along with legal and financial services industries to support them with business transformation, growth 
and grant support. 
Whether you need to improve workflow through improved processes or you want to grow your business.

Cost Improvement Calculator

Try our free Cost Improvement Calculator to receive a Cost Improvement Report outlining your expected annual cost improvements and the cost of achieving it to your business

Our Pledge

To empower the sustained growth of our client companies with a guaranteed >200% Return on Investment
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Our Mission

Empower our clients to maximise their efficiency for business growth and sustainability
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The How

We scrutinise & improve Strategy, Cost & Efficiency
“Do more with less"
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The Result

A better performing business where we guarantee > 200% return on investment

Businesses we have successfully worked with

What can you expect to get?

We pledge the following to all our valued clients.

cost savings icon
Significant Cost-Savings
Effective Implementation icon
Effective Implementation
customised for your business icon
Customised for Your Business
simplified and lean icon
Simplified and Lean for All to Use
repeatability icon
Repeatability (Can Be Used Again and Again)
sustainable benefits icon
Sustainable Benefits After We’ve Stepped Away
after sales support icon
Excellent After-Sales Service
one stop shop icon
One-Stop Shop for a Variety of Services
Accessibility icon
Accountability icon

Our services

A person giving a business presentation in front og a white board

Business Transformation

Failing to achieve your financial goals? Dealing with the consequences...
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a laptop showing a graph of business finaces increasing

Business Grant Application Support

Looking for EU / Government financial support for your business...
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A women giving a conference on lean / digital

Lean / Digital

Need to make your business more productive and cost-efficient...
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An ISO 9001 stamed onto a piece of paper

Engineering & Quality

Do you have an engineering need? Tell us the problem, we’ll engineer the solution...
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What our clients say?